Monday 19 August 2013

Life as an intern

Life as an intern is not as exciting as it used to me. For me, for the past four weeks, it was the memories that I wish I will never remember it. In spite all of the difficulties I faced, it bought me to another step in knowing myself deeper. It was during practical, that I discover that this is what I have been thinking, this is how I think, this is how I doing things. Of all every person, God actually allow my nasty supervisor to know my weakness and strength. My supervisor is a typical Chinese guy where he critic more than he praise someone. The words that came from his mouth is hurtful and nasty to hear. But, he's amazing person. He can spot your best talent and make full use of it. He knows what I good and capable of. He knows what I'm lack of. That's one of the very good points about him. He trained me in a  harsh and stern way. He discipline me strictly. He puts expectation on me. I actually learn his intention in a hard way. I know he trying to build my talents up, he trying to make my talents shine. He molds me into a strong person. Someone who is strong despite any situations they face.

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